
Losing the ‘good’ war

Afghanistan was always the ?good? war and Iraq, the bad one. But what if Bush?s legacy becomes losing the good war and winning the bad one?

The trouble with India

The EU may have to base partnership with the world’s largest democracy not on values, but on dealing with Afghanistan

Can China save Afghanistan?

With Afghanistan’s reconstruction on the brink, what could the EU and U.S ask Beijing to do?

NATO’s troubled renaissance

If NATO seizes upon the recent events in the right way, it will remain relevant. If it mishandles the situation ? overreacts or under-performs ? it may be done for

Europe’s UN human rights problem

There are clear signs that the EU’s influence at the UN is declining in one of the areas on which it is most united: human rights

Spheres of influence

Russia may be tempted to believe that it has succeeded in Georgia, but it has in fact further isolated itself and helped Europe unite