
Destination Washington

The G-20 Summit this week-end in Washington offers a good opportunity to reflect on what Europe wants to achieve, both internally and externally

Czechs raise the stakes on Lisbon

All being well with Europe, the Treaty of Lisbon would now have been ready to come into force on 1 January. But all is not well

What now?

Once he enters office, President Obama will bring a profound challenge to the comfortable introversion of many EU governments

Enhancing the EU’s role in Afghanistan

A new US president will want to see a significant enhancement of the European effort in Afghanistan. The issue is likely to be viewed in Washington as a litmus test of whether Europeans should be taken seriously as strategic partners

Russia’s push into wider Europe

With a new US president, what are the prospects for a more united trans-Atlantic position on how to deal with a resurgent Russia and the ?neighbourhood? states in between?

A new partnership in support of international law

Obama’s election offers the opportunity for the EU and the US to come together in pledging to fight terrorism within the framework of fundamental human rights

China – a challenge for the long term

The basis of a new EU-US partnership should be close trans-Atlantic coordination and cooperation on China at every level, harmonising positions and pooling leverage and influence

The EU cannot accept defeat in Congo

If the EU or the UN send in substantial reinforcements, rebel leader Laurent Nkunda might pre-empt them by seizing Goma and take peacekeepers hostage