

Volcanoes, Greek tragedy and government collapses. Divine intervention? Not entirely – greed and stupidity play a big part

Are sanctions enough?

The EU’s common position on Burma is up for renegotiation. Sanctions might not be effective, but are they the only option the EU has?

Eastern Europe after the tragedy in Smolensk

The tragedy of the Smolensk plane crash has led to a strengthening of the rapprochement between Moscow and Warsaw. But is the reconciliation built upon more than a hug between Vladimir Putin and Donald Tusk?

Nick Clegg and a very European election

The emergence of Nick Clegg in the British election campaign means Europe is an issue that can no longer be ignored by the other candidates

A responsible government must re-examine Trident

Tomorrow night?s foreign policy Leaders? Debate will cover a lot of ground, and Trident will no doubt be discussed. Nick Witney argues that a post-election defence review that does not include Trident is irresponsible and absurd

Eine St?tze fur den Euro

Der Euro braucht eine institutionelle Komplettierung und es h?ngt ganz wesentlich von Deutschland ab, ob das erreicht wird oder nicht

Break down these walls

The EU should reinvent its crisis management capabilities / An open letter to the 27 Permanent Representatives to the EU

Will Europe rise to the Eyjafjallajokull challenge?

The eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano has created transport chaos, but the EU can lead the way in finding a trans-national solution to a cross-border crisis

The making of a strategic shambles

The West tried to help in Darfur and Chad. But by having to cooperate with governments responsible for much of the suffering, EU and UN troops ended up pawns in struggles they could not stop