
The dark flip-side of European technocracy

The elitist and technocractic nature of German politics means that the case for European integration is not being made to the German people. Worryingly this is also giving an opportunity for anti-EU populists to gain influence.  

The Central Challenge to the Western Liberal Order

One of the big stories of the last 60 years has been the creation of a European-inspired legal order in the shell of an American security order. This is often called the Western liberal order – and I think that the biggest global risk is the threat to that order.  

Damascus on the brink

Julien Barnes-Dacey has just returned from a visit to Syria, and returned deeply pessimistic about the situation on the ground, with hopes for a political solution appearing all but dead.  

Reinventing Europe: Italy, a country in receivership

As part of the ‘Reinvention of Europe’ project, ECFR is publishing a series of papers on the national debates within EU member states about the crisis and the future direction of Europe. The third paper in the series examines the situation in Italy.  

Contesting Egypt’s future

The lead up to the Egyptian elections has seen hope, pride and the anxiety of real suspense. But whoever forms the next government will face a real test in dealing with the economy, reforming institutions and addressing many other legitimate complaints.  

Is it time for Kofi Annan to give up in Syria?

A growing number of diplomats are arguing Kofi Annan's peace plan is failing. But is it better for the U.N. to oversee, and arguably provide cover for, the current violence or retreat and open the way for something potentially worse?  

Not your Serbian déjà vu

The Serbian presidential elections this weekend look familiar – but Serbia is a very different place to how it was in 2004 and 2008. It is normalising fast and its core concerns are far more similar to other European countries than they were before.  

A European goal for Ukraine

The question whether to boycott the European Championships in Ukraine has become a hotly debated issue. But there are a number of other steps the EU and Member States can and should take to link the “Euros” with European values.  

Two dangerous myths about a ‘Grexit’

Two myths about a Greek exit from the euro have recently gained traction. Both are misguided and both are extremely dangerous. Here are the reasons why.  

Beware the new Beijing-Berlin bond

Europe’s relationship with Beijing will largely be determined by the emerging “special relationship” between China and Germany. However, the rest of Europe must find ways to help Germany be a good European in its relationship with China – or risk being cut out of the loop.