
The migration superpowers

As control over population flows becomes a currency of power, states that follow the M-7’s lead will have the opportunity to boost their geopolitical heft

Chairman Xi’s new clothes

XI Jinping's televised appearance in military uniform heralds his control – political and operational – over China's armed force

Europe or the open sea? Brexit and European security

By voting to leave the EU the UK may lose its voice at a time when the union aims to play a strategically greater role in European defence, security and foreign policy

Britain might leave the EU. Here’s why Americans should care.

The collapse of European integration could potentially mean an end to the stability, order, and prosperity that the US worked very hard and spent a lot of money to help Europe achieve. And while it's unlikely we'd see a return to anything like the 20th century's massive world wars, the consequences could still extend far beyond Europe's borders

Saving Syria’s ceasefire

Despite its limitations, the current US-Russian brokered ceasefire offers the best chance of moving the Syria conflict towards a poltiical resolution