
Lessons from the Norway-EU relationship

Whichever way the British vote in June, they should not believe that a vote to leave is a vote to become another Norway in Europe

Remembering Jo Cox

Jo Cox is a symbol of the very best of British and European values, and her murder a tragic reminder of the consequences of irrationality and hate

Khamenei on negotiations with US

 Although the nuclear negotiations have taken Iran-US bilateral relations to unprecedented levels, the animosity persists. Almost a year after signing the nuclear deal, there has been little meaningful movement either from Iran or the West to maximize the potential of this opening. 

Turkey: Perspectives on Eurasian integration

Poised between Europe and Asia, the Russian and Chinese integration projects could both make Ankara once more a key bridge linking the two continents – but not before hostilities with Russia have been resolved

Serbia: Perspectives on Eurasian integration

Though it is a candidate for EU membership, Belgrade continues to pursue a “special relationship” with both Russia and China

Sound and fury over Germany’s genocide vote

Turkey’s outrage at the German vote on the Armenian genocide is for domestic consumption – Erdoğan is careful not to derail his deal with the EU or become still more isolated