Note from Berlin

Frau Merkel goes to Africa

Domestic concerns over migration have sharpened Berlin's interest in Africa

All quiet on the Merkel front

The roadmap agreed at Bratislava bears the hallmarks of Angela Merkel's pragmatic approach to consensus-building

The EU’s game of musical chairs

Europe needs to deliver on its strengths rather than on some people’s dreams. And it must stick to its principles in its negotiations with London while also delivering a new deal with the UK that will be palatable to European business interests

Germany and the UK: Hints of a role reversal

The EU debate in Berlin has moved on to one that is more instrumental, aiming to work out what the Union can contribute to protect and empower Europe’s citizens to continue their lives in freedom, security, and prosperity. 

Passing the buck? Berlin and the 2016 NATO Summit

For now, Germany can live with the results of the NATO summit in Warsaw. But if Germany's allies want an engaged partner on defence matters, they will need to engage in active public diplomacy to avoid German retrenchment. 

Brexit: For whom the bell tolls

When it comes to the building of Europe, Britain is out. In fact, London had checked out years ago, but there is no denying it any longer