Note from Berlin

What is left from Kohl’s era?

Much has changed, yet paradoxically, perhaps Europe is closer now to its 1990s vision than it has ever been

Will Germany make room for Macron?

France is ready to come back to the centre of the European project, but Germany will need to compromise to make things work

What next after the Rome Declaration?

In the aftermath of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome, it is worth reflecting on Germany’s vision for the future…

The long road to peace: Europe at 60

Today’s European Union may seem like a market place, a granter of subsidies, and an experiment in governance. But at its core Europe is still the search for peace – it just took a 60 year detour

European defence and the two per cent mantra

The best route to improved European defence capabilities is to build on the patchwork of co-operation that already exists – with Germany at its centre