Note from Berlin

Italy: Following Britain towards the exit?

With elections approaching, the fact that Italy’s EU cohesion profile is approaching Britain’s is cause for grave concern across Europe

Visegrad dreams for Warsaw, nightmares for Berlin

A Visegrad alliance remains distant for now, but EU must address rising resentment about economic liberalisation in central and eastern Europe

Too soon for champagne toasts to GroKo

The grand coalition treaty is strongly pro-European in tone, but the devil is in the details – and it could yet be rejected by SPD members

From Iran to North Korea, German policymakers are at a loss

Postwar German foreign policy is based on cooperation, rules and trust, not power, interest and threat. But with crises from Iran to North Korea likely to be play out the old-fashioned way, that approach looks naive

Navigating the Eastern Flank without Germany?

German relegation of security and defence to non-core issues leaves European observers puzzling where Germany is heading, and how far it can be relied upon

German public says ‘jein’ to European security

A new poll shows that the German public is increasingly concerned with security, but is dismissive of its American security guarantor and unwilling to pay more to help Europe replace it