Wider Europe

Elections in Moldova. Again.

On 29 July Moldova will hold early parliamentary elections. Nicu Popescu offers a snapshot of the country two days before the elections

The end of ?de facto states?

Nicu Popescu comments on developments in Abkhazia and South Ossetia after their recognition by Russia

Fragility in the making

Bulgarians go to polls on Sunday. Instead of enhancing the fledgling democracy, the elections have increased feelings of uncertainty concerning Bulgaria?s democratic future

A Swedish-led listening tour of the East

The EU should start listening and involving the small and fragile states of the eastern neighbourhood, and the Swedish Presidency should be the body lead this “listening tour” charge

Reinvigorating the EU?s Eastern Policy

There will be dire consequences on the EU’s eastern border unless the EU rethinks its eastern neighbourhood strategy

Ukraine ? From Orange Revolution to Failed State?

Ukraine is bouncing from one crisis to another emergency. In a speech he gave in Washington, Andrew Wilson discussed the possibility of Ukraine becoming a failed state