Ukraine’s frozen political crisis
The traditional method of postponing a problem and freezing a crisis isn’t going to work this time
The traditional method of postponing a problem and freezing a crisis isn’t going to work this time
For most ordinary Bosnians and Herzegovinians, the announcement, much as its apparent execution, has been a genuine surprise—and not an altogether pleasant one either.
Faced with the prospect of a Kurdish “statelet” emerging on its border, the chances of Turkey charting its own course in Syria are on the increase
Conférence du lundi 22 février portant sur les relations entre l'Union européenne et la Turquie. Avec Asli Aydintasbas, Visiting Fellow à l'ECFR et Nicu Popescu,…
Avec Asli Aydintasbas et Nicu Popescu
DCFTA is the most important element of Europe’s response to the crisis in Ukraine. Albeit technical in its layout, DCFTA is a very political act which alters EU’s neighbourhood and raises expectations and responsibilities on both sides
Зоната за свободна търговия е най-значимият елемент от реакцията на ЕС към кризата в Украйна. Техническо по форма, споразумението всъщност е показателен политически акт, който цели промяна на средата в съседните на ЕС региони и създава както очаквания, така и отговорности и за двете страни
ECFR's director Mark Leonard speaks with Emma Bonino, former Foreign Minister of Italy, Asli Aydintasbas, ECFR Visiting Fellow, and Vessela Tcherneva, ECFR's director of…
Why the Russian government remains resilient in the face of popular protest
A spate of reformer resignations in Ukraine sounds alarm bells on corruption