World in Focus
“World in Focus” is an event specially designed to encompass meetings, dialogues and panel sessions which will tackle questions about Poland, Europe and the world.
“World in Focus” is an event specially designed to encompass meetings, dialogues and panel sessions which will tackle questions about Poland, Europe and the world.
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à un Black Coffee Morning (BCM) avec Giovanni Faleg, Jalel Harchaoui, Andrew Lebovich, et moderé par Manuel Lafont Rapnouil
This event will explore shifting political and security dynamics across the Sahel
Jak zabezpieczyć granicę przy jednoczesnym poszanowaniu prawa do azylu?
How to secure borders while upholding the right to asylum?
Has the EU learnt a lesson from the migration crisis?
Czy UE wyciągnęła lekcje z kryzysu migracyjnego?
Gemeinsame Verantwortung für Sicherheit, Klimaschutz, Entwicklung: Impulsvortrag von Cem Özdemir zu einer wertegeleiteten Außenpolitik mit anschließender Diskussion
What are the current trends in central Mediterranean migration? What are the alternative options tokeep the migration flows to Europe at manageable levels?
Kryzys migracyjny – test dla Europejskiej efektywności i solidarności?