
Reforming the Common European Asylum System

The political crisis surrounding the handling of refugee inflows in the EU has now reached a stage where there is too much bad blood for a “more of the same” approach to have much hope of working

Bear any burden, and Paying the price

The EU should broaden the scope of what is expected of member states on burden sharing on refugee crisis, within more formalised, intergovernmental co-operation according to two papers from ECFR

The migration superpowers

As control over population flows becomes a currency of power, states that follow the M-7’s lead will have the opportunity to boost their geopolitical heft

View from Warsaw: Keeping a low profile

With a worsening international reputation, Poland has been strikingly quiet on the recent refugee deal

The EU Turkey deal: fair and feasible?

Potentially unrealistic vows on readmissions and relocation leave plenty of questions unanswered ahead of EU Council