Human Rights

In defence of democracy promotion

Democracy promotion itself needs promoters – and, with judicious diplomacy, this year’s presidents of the EU could do much to change mindsets and reduce Europe’s ambivalence

Good Intentions, Bad Outcomes

Last year’s Congo crisis brought home the EU’s limitations as a global power. Will it accept them or try to overcome them? Richard Gowan discusses

Human rights – a time for reflection

Anthony Dworkin calls for a moment of reflection in the light of the anniversary of the human rights declaration

How MEPs can help save the UN Human Rights Council

A European Parliament debate on the EU?s role on the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) comes at an embarrassing moment

It’s Tibet, not the economy, stupid

China?s cancellation of the planned bilateral summit with the EU is a brutal and unprecedented warning of how little Europe means to China

Three fault lines

Pakistan, Congo and Ukraine are three fault lines separating us from the future

Exiting Africa?

The Congo crisis demonstrated the UN’s limitations, but its longest-lasting effect may be to mark the end of European military interventions in Africa

A new partnership in support of international law

Obama’s election offers the opportunity for the EU and the US to come together in pledging to fight terrorism within the framework of fundamental human rights

The EU cannot accept defeat in Congo

If the EU or the UN send in substantial reinforcements, rebel leader Laurent Nkunda might pre-empt them by seizing Goma and take peacekeepers hostage