European Power

NATO at 70: Celebration and introspection

As NATO enters its eighth decade, it looks back on an impressive history of durability – and ahead to the challenge of wavering US commitment. 

A majority of Europe’s voters do not consider migration to be the most important issue, according to major new poll

Corruption, living standards, housing, unemployment and health rank above, or alongside, migration as key issues for European voters. Despite anti-immigration rhetoric across Europe, many voters view domestic issues as chief concerns. Voters in Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain are more concerned about people leaving their country than coming in

Brexit is making Europe stronger

The EU27 are holding together throughout the twists and turns of Brexit. This is simply because it is in their interest to do so

Can the European Union find a stable equilibrium?

Giving up sovereignty at the national level seems the only way to retain some kind of European sovereignty,  writes Sebastian Dullien in his farewell commentary for ECFR

Estonia’s cold conservative spring

As the political climate in Estonia grows increasingly polarised, the radical right-wing EKRE party may enter a governing coalition for the first time. 

Italy’s Chinese dilemma

Ahead of Xi Jinping's visit to Italy, China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has joined the long series of issues that divide Italy's ruling parties