European Power

Britain sets sail – into the dark

The odds that the UK and the EU will reach full, or even much, agreement within the breakneck timetable imposed by London do not look good

Counterfeit change: Lebanon’s new government

Even if the new government intends to introduce significant reforms, the elite will more than likely block any measures that challenge entrenched interests

On 5G, Brussels is up to the job

The EU’s new 5G toolbox is an important component in strengthening its technological sovereignty – and its array of defence mechanisms vis-à-vis China.  

Brexit eve: The slow burn begins

Democratic backsliding and constitutional crises could await if the wheels come off Boris Johnson’s Brexit bandwagon.  

Final call: Macron goes to Poland

Emmanuel Macron should not shrink from addressing Poland’s democratic backsliding when he visits next week – and other EU leaders should quickly follow his lead