European Power

Scotland’s Arctic dream of independence

The Scottish government is developing a foreign policy, and its Arctic vision is one of its most ambitious efforts yet. Should independence come, close friends in the north could be a vital support

Why COP26 will fail

UN Climate Change Conferences have failed to produce a model of global governance that can tame power politics, let alone forge a sense of shared destiny among countries. And there is little reason to believe this time will be different

Sebastian Kurz: The chancellor in the shadows

Unless the European Union urgently addresses the growing threat to the rule of law, it will set a dangerous precedent of tolerance for corruption and lawlessness among the European political elite

The road back to democracy in central Europe

The selection of a lead opposition candidate in Hungary is a promising sign for the strength of democracy in Europe. Democrats throughout the EU should lend their support to restoring the rule of law

Boxed in: How the Pandora Papers could change politics in Europe

European political parties should seize on leaks such as the Pandora Papers to draw voters into broad-based anticorruption constituencies – tapping into public discontent with governments’ acquiescence to large-scale graft

What they want: Paris’s views on the new German government

With Germany’s leaders focused on domestic politics in the coming months, French President Emmanuel Macron will need to suggest policy initiatives to, and build coalitions with, other EU member states

What they want: Rome’s views on the new German government

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi has an opportunity to build a relationship with the next German chancellor that is free from party political rivalries. In doing so, he should focus on four main issues at the heart of the German-Italian relationship