European Power

Why Ukraine needs greater military support from the West

Many more Ukrainians want to defend their country than have the weapons to do so. An increase in Western military support is vital to Ukraine’s survival

Bound to Russia: Serbia’s disruptive neutrality

The deepening relationship between Belgrade and Moscow has long created unease across the Balkans. By refusing to condemn Russia’s war on Ukraine, Serbia has proven once again that it is a liability to the EU and NATO

Grand illusions: Partnerships in the EU’s Strategic Compass

Cooperation with third countries is central to EU foreign policy. Yet the Strategic Compass will need to be careful to avoid security and defence partnerships that create only the appearance of progress

The fight for Europe’s digital future

If the West loses the race to gain the economic, security, and social benefits of AI and other advanced technologies, there will be a fundamental shift in the global order

Italy’s challenging divorce from Russia

Russia’s war on Ukraine has prompted urgent changes in Italian foreign policy. Rome’s efforts to distance itself from Moscow are creating major challenges at home