European Power

Reinventing Europe: Portugal – integrate or be marginalised

As part of the ’Reinventing Europe' project, ECFR is publishing a series of papers on the national debates within EU member states over the crisis and the future direction of Europe. In the thirteenth of the series Teresa de Sousa and Carlos Gaspar analyse the situation in Portugal.  

Vanished frontiers earn EU its Nobel Prize

Awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the EU has left many perplexed. However, the long “European civil war” that began in the 19th century should be enough to justify it.  

Reinventing Europe: Ireland – from interdependence to dependence

As part of the ’Reinventing Europe' project, ECFR is publishing a series of papers on the national debates within EU member states over the crisis and the future direction of Europe. In the twelfth of the series Brigid Laffan analyses the situation in Ireland.   

The Palestine UN vote and Europe

European countries are split over recognising Palestine at the United Nations, but moving foward, Daniel Levy offers seven points to takeaway from a European perspective.  

A European “maybe” for Palestine

Although EU members have not reached a concensus on recognising Palestine at the United Nations, the arguments in favour of European recognition outweigh the arguments against.   

US, Europe: get ready for estrangement

President Obama's continued foreign policy pivot away from Europe may be unwelcome in the EU, but it creates an opportunity for Germany to show that it is capable of taking responsibility in foreign affairs.   

The view from the capitals: the EU budget summit

On Thursday EU leaders will meet in Brussels to discuss the EU budget for the next seven years. ECFR experts in Spain, the UK, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany and Italy tell us what to expect.