View from Paris: A change is coming
France’s focus on Africa at Valetta may be a casualty of the Paris massacres
France’s focus on Africa at Valetta may be a casualty of the Paris massacres
Renewed focus on foreign policy responses on migration following Valetta and Paris attacks brings London back into the picture
ЕСВП София, в сътрудничество със Софийски форум за сигурност, организира събитие за възможните отговори на бежанската криза
ECFR Sofia organises an international workshop on the possible responses to the refugee crisis
Beneath the talk of unity and common anxiety, three dividing lines are opening up across Europe – how they are resolved will determine whether the EU emerges stronger with its values intact
Understanding oneself means to look at oneself from the view of others. The Maghreb region is a very crucial neighbourhood for the EU, yet little is known about their point of view. The region faces political, economical and security crises with instable governments, decreasing oil prices and terrorist formations. Europe has to engage more with these countries since it is clearly mutually beneficial. Furthermore, it would alter their view on Europe towards a more positive one. For that, the European Union has to encounter MENA countries on a level playing field.
With winter approaching, the EU needs to up its game on refugee burden sharing
Russia underwent fundamental military reforms which not only included modernization of equipment but also changes on structure and staffing. In the recent past, we have observed significantly faster mobilization of troops within few days and major threats to EU and NATO members. However, the European Union is badly prepared for the various scenarios regarding its defence strategy. For that a better coordination between EU and NATO, a willingness to react, and a re-focus on military core functions and capacities is of fundamental importance. The discussion proved to be very lively. Consensus on the strengthening of Russia's military was clearly at hand, but regarding the instruments to encounter this new military giant is still an open question for the foreseeable future
The refugee crisis is placing a huge strain on the countries of the Western Balkans – the EU cannot afford for them to break
How have sanctions evolved and what is their impact?