Security and Defence

Why advanced weapons can help Ukraine defeat Russia

Russia’s new offensive in Ukraine calls for a change in the Western response. NATO countries should supply the Ukrainian military with advanced systems and the training to use them.

Ukraine: Time for the West to prepare for the long war

Russia is drawing on its Syria playbook and regrouping for a long war to seize the whole of Ukraine. The West needs to take action now to supply Ukraine with Western equipment.

The EU’s Strategic Compass: Brand new, already obsolete

The Strategic Compass underlines the collective action problem at the heart of European attempts to pool defence efforts and resources: everyone agrees that closer integration is essential, but everyone wants someone else to go first

How Western offensive weapons can help Ukraine defeat Russia

A prolonged confrontation would help Russia regroup and adapt. The quicker Ukraine receives more military support from its allies, the greater its chances of driving Russian forces out of its territory.

Out of the dark: Reinventing European defence cooperation

Russia’s all-out war on Ukraine has convinced many European states to rebuild their militaries. In doing so, they should initially focus on readiness, capability gaps, and joint equipment procurement and research.

Why Ukraine needs greater military support from the West

Many more Ukrainians want to defend their country than have the weapons to do so. An increase in Western military support is vital to Ukraine’s survival.