National Politics

There Is Life for the EU After Brexit

The political ballgame in Europe will change profoundly after Brexit. A clear realignment is already apparent as the dynamics between smaller member states, in particular, begins to shift

Italy: Following Britain towards the exit?

With elections approaching, the fact that Italy’s EU cohesion profile is approaching Britain’s is cause for grave concern across Europe

Too soon for champagne toasts to GroKo

The grand coalition treaty is strongly pro-European in tone, but the devil is in the details – and it could yet be rejected by SPD members

Berlin’s European agenda

The next German government must lead the way in forging European consensus on migration, foreign policy, and a common system of values. This means it will have to think bigger than ever before

The long and winding road to Jamaica

The indications are this new German government will struggle to take advantage of the foreign policy opportunities presented by this election