Whatever the outcome of the Ukrainian conflict, the Russian issue is not going to disappear, which means that the European states must continue to invest in defence
Media mentions – Defence, Security and Tech
Wenn Putin das wirklich ernst meinen würde, wären wir ja schon im Atomkrieg
Wenn Putin das wirklich ernst meinen würde, wären wir ja schon im Atomkrieg
If Putin were really serious about this, we would already be in a nuclear war
It’s an armed force that, traditionally, is not very high quality
They could also strike other targets beyond the reach of existing weaponry
Rafael Loss and Angela Mehrer on Europe´s missile gap
Who controls these data flows and software updates is a far from trivial question, the answers to which encroach on matters of national security, cybersecurity, and individual privacy
In the eighty-year history of nuclear power, there have been only two or, at most, three similar moments of major debate on its meaning, its risks, its limits and the means it implies
The idea is to deploy ground and air assets from NATO allies, so, for instance, Patriot systems, or F-16 [fighter jets] to Poland, Slovakia, and Romania on their side of the border with Ukraine