There is a growing awareness throughout Europe that ‘business as usual’ is no longer possible, that development cooperation can no longer be considered in isolation
Media mentions – Asia
Economically, China uses Hungary as a strategic gateway to exploit EU market opportunities, while politically, it effectively applies a divide-and-conquer strategy
Tibor Dessewfffy analyses the partnership between Xi and Orbán
Against the backdrop of the Sino-US rivalry and the war in Ukraine, Moscow and Beijing stand side by side facing the common enemy: the United States
In his op-ed, Tibor Dessewffy explains what the Xi-Orbán partnership means for the EU
The way Xi Jinping tried to portray his relationship with Viktor Orbán is a litmus test of how he’s also trying to deal with Europe more broadly
[The deals between China and Hungary] were a clear signal that China sees Hungary as a key and reliable ally
Zsuzsanna Vegh on Xi Jinping’s visit to Hungary and Serbia
China is building an entire edifice of Western-proof financial mechanisms
Saudi Arabia is an increasingly important economic and diplomatic partner for the EU and plays a key role in global conversations on climate change, connectivity and energy
[Xi’s main goal in both Hungary and Serbia was to send a] clear signal