Can China save Afghanistan?
With Afghanistan’s reconstruction on the brink, what could the EU and U.S ask Beijing to do?
With Afghanistan’s reconstruction on the brink, what could the EU and U.S ask Beijing to do?
A daily blog following key political stories in China during the Beijing Olympics
French combat deaths underscore the challenge in Afghanistan and the need for a new politically-accented and regionally-focused strategy
How to cooperate on global security with China, Russia and India will be among a new U.S President’s top challenges
Sarkozy’s attempts to establish a solid basis for a strategic partnership with China are useful to the EU as a whole. In French
For China, the Olympics are no longer a sporting event – they are a battle to define how the country is seen by its citizens and the world
Europe and the U.S need a new strategy to deal with Afghanistan and Pakistan. A transatlantic Baker-Hamilton-style commission is necessary
Nicolas Sarkozy will soon announce whether he will attend the opening ceremony of the Olympics. He should definitely go
The Paris conference this week is a “last-chance” saloon for Afghanistan and donor governments
The Afghan opium economy continues to grow. To have any chance of success, international efforts need to focus on security and bringing criminal kingpins to justice through a specialised UN court