Note from Berlin

Germany does not expect a pro-active Britain

The UK elections have not solved the British question for Europe, and thus the German headache will remain

German leaders juggle foreign policy crises

The German government has proven itself adept at juggling foreign policy crises, but as it reaches the halfway point of its term, it is more important than ever that nothing gets dropped

Bismarck and Germany’s pro-Russia lobby

Conservatives say Germany should pursue Bismarck’s policy of placating Russia, but a Bismarck of today would have a wholly different strategy

The European Energy Union

The European Council's recent declaration on the European energy market reflects to a large extent a compromise between the German position and the plans of Eastern European states

Gabriel’s new course on arms sales

Gabriel has reinserted the needs of a values-based foreign policy into the debate on European arms sales, which could make him a key stakeholder in EU foreign policy