The era of Mutually Assured Disruption
The five forces that are 'liquidising' global security
The five forces that are 'liquidising' global security
Sanctions are not a strategy by themselves, but a tool to be adapted to circumstances
Russia is clearly preparing for offensive operations, but the likelihood of action depends on the quality of Europe’s own defence
It is time to look closely at Europe’s evolving counter-terror activity
South Ossetia is in a precarious position, but as far as the locals are concerned, Russia is the only saviour
What role does Russia play in the Crimea after two years?
What role does Russia play in the Abkhazia? To the northlies the Caucasian mountain range, to the east lies Georgia with which Abkhazia fought a war, and to the south lies the Black Sea. To the northwest lies its protector – Russia
What role does Russia play in the Donbas? Did the local population rise up against Kyiv in the name of Novorossiya?
What role does Russia play in Nagorno-Karabakh?
What role does Russia play in Transnistria?