
The benefits of political fragmentation

The EU's new pluralism has made public debate more political, as parties and groups have become careful to protect their distinct identities

EU support for Lebanon: If not now, when?

The Lebanese desire for change is not going to go away. The EU should place itself at the heart of smoothing this transition

The makings of a “geopolitical” European Commission

As if incoming European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was not already inheriting a full plate of major challenges, she has also promised to reshape the EU into a “geopolitical” force to be reckoned with. To succeed, she will need to pass seven tests, in areas ranging from climate change to cyber security and competition policy

Germany’s quiet leadership on the Libyan war

Although Germany’s mediation role in the Libyan conflict has received relatively little attention so far, this might change if its initiative leads to a peace conference – or, alternatively, a collapse of the political process

The Lost Promise of 1989

As is often the case, deep historical shifts tend to show up first in popular culture, and only then in formal politics. That is why we should look at the complex legacy of 1989 not only in the formal celebrations being held in Berlin, but also in the stands of a soccer stadium in Sofia

Sudan’s chance for democracy

EU support for Sudan’s new prime minister is welcome in addressing the urgent challenges of the country’s political transition. But it will take more than economic reform to bring peace and stability to Sudan

Belarus votes: Could its verdict matter?

Belarus could be standing on the brink of change. The EU should not ignore events on its outer border – and, indeed, should look for new ways to engage its neighbour

Can regulation save the Internet? The view from London

Figures from across government, the private sector, and wider society argue in favour of adequate regulation to mitigate the harmful effects of the internet. But what should this regulation look like?