
Sarkozy’s tightrope act on China

Sarkozy’s attempts to establish a solid basis for a strategic partnership with China are useful to the EU as a whole. In French

Poisonous relations

The EU needs to figure out a way to come together to fight back against Russian aggression. An article published in Newsweek

Big Brother versus YouTube

For China, the Olympics are no longer a sporting event – they are a battle to define how the country is seen by its citizens and the world

Die Choreographie stimmte

From a German perspective, the Mediterranean Union seems to have launched surprisingly well. An article in German

Not so innocent abroad

Barack Obama’s visit to Europe could cut both ways for the American Senator and his European hosts. Honest talk about urgent and long-term issues will be crucial

Europe should support the ICC over Darfur

The indictment of Sudan’s president marks a critical moment for the International Criminal Court. European supporters of international justice should give it their backing

Drafting a new Afghan-Pakistan strategy

Europe and the U.S need a new strategy to deal with Afghanistan and Pakistan. A transatlantic Baker-Hamilton-style commission is necessary