
View from Paris: A marginalised voice

France remains hugely concerned by visa liberalisation on Turkey, as deal exposes Franco-German fractures

View from London: A victory for British logic

The new focus on outsourcing and readmission may tick the boxes needed for London to strengthen its involvement

The German problem

How Angela Merkel’s handling of the refugee crisis emboldened the far right and led to troubling questions about her future as chancellor

The New Interventionists

As a new order takes shape, the roles countries have played for the last 25 years are likely to be reversed

Turkey’s not so splendid isolation

Despite its confidence in negotiations with the EU, Turkey remains beset on all sides by problems

Building support for the Belt and Road

Europeans are keen to cooperate on China's silk road vision, but need greater clarity on what cooperation can look like in practice

Rouhani’s Post-Election Openings and Challenges

The latest developments are a clear indication that those who voted Rouhani into power continue to support this bid, even if they are dissatisfied with the pace of meaningful change

In search of Russia’s elusive repression strategy

Repressions and human rights abuses in Russia, happen for other, myriad reasons besides Kremlin policy and those reasons will still need to be addressed, no matter who sits in Moscow.