
Magnitsky-style sanctions in the Eastern Partnership

Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine are all working to enact individual legislation sanctioning human rights abuses – Magnitsky-style. If they pass, they would infuriate the Kremlin. 

Italy’s distracted political elite

May's European Parliament election will shape the future of Italian political parties – will it enable traditional mainstream parties to stage a recovery? 

Is winter coming to the EU?

Many observers expect a grand showdown between the forces of “open” and “closed” societies in next month’s European Parliament elections, with the very future of the European Union at stake. They are right to be worried, but wrong about the reason

Occupational hazards: The Russian military in Crimea

While its current disposition in Crimea is mainly defensive in nature, Russia's military build-up on the peninsula could soon turn the Black Sea region into a security black hole. 

Pioneer and far: Estonia’s European ambitions

Estonian expertise can be of great use in strengthening Europe’s digital society, connecting governing institutions and citizens at the EU level, and improving connectivity between European countries

Europe’s duty to help protect Crimean Tatars

Crimean Tatars face increasing repression by Russian authorities, but divisions on cooperation with Moscow or Kiev, as well as internal leadership disputes, have hindered a unified response. Europe must advocate for Crimean Tatars' rights despite these challenges.