ECFR Quarantimes #7 – with Carlos Lopes
What will the future of Africa-Europe relations look like? Will there be opportunities for a renewed partnership? Carlos Lopes, African Union High Representative for Partnerships with Europe and Professor at the Mandela School of Public Governance at the University of Cape Town shares his view from Africa on the evolving international order, geopolitical trends, and the impact on EU-Africa relations in a post-COVID-19 world.
About ECFR Quarantimes
We are all suffering from confirmation bias. Nationalists claim that the corona virus shows the superiority of the nation state; multilateralists claim the same for multilateralism; the end of globalization has also been proclaimed; for the left it is the end of capitalism; and for climate activists it confirms the need for more climate protections. ECFR Quarantimes enlists the brightest voices to help us think beyond the immediate response to the covid-19 crisis and overcome our pre-existing biases and beliefs to shape Europe’s future role in the post corona world.