Security in the Mediterranean basin
Europe's strategy for a secure Mediterranean
Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, President of IAI (Istituto Affari Internazionali)
Tarek Megerisi, Middle East and North Africa programme, ECFR
Antonio Missiroli, Assistant Secretary General, Emerging Security Challenges, NATO
Paul Taylor, Friends of Europe fellow, a columnist for POLITICO and veteran former foreign correspondent for Reuters
Dicussant: Marta Dassù, ECFR Board Member and Senior Director European Affairs, Aspen Institute.
Moderato da
Alba Lamberti, Deputy Director, ECFR
The Mediterranean remains a key priority for Italy for political, economic and security reasons. Its strategic relevance represents both an opportunity as well as a challenge for the incoming EU leadership and key European member states. Regional stabilization in the Southern neighbourhood should rank high on the European foreign action of the new European Commission.
To kick off the discussion our colleague Paul Taylor, senior fellow at Friends of Europe, will introduce his latest report “Molto Agitato – Italy and Mediterranean Security“ where he sheds light on Italy’s strategic position as a provider of the Mediterranean security, exploring Italy’s defence relationships and diplomatic alliances, the role of its armed forces and of its defence industry.