Ulrike Guérot is interviewed on the upcoming reforms in the EU and Poland's potential access to the eurozone
Media mentions – Ulrike Guérot
Ulrike Guérot on Brexit
Former ECFR Berlin head Ulrike Guérot quoted from 2013 on Germany's reluctance to lead Europe in times of turbulence
Sebastian Dullien and Ulrike Guérot are cited on the European Central Bank's intentions to buy government bonds
Ulrike Guérot quoted on Franco-German relations and the return of European Realpolitik
Ulrike Guerot on negative perception of Russia in Germany,
Andrés Ortega and Ulrike Guérot on a European Republic
Ulrike Guerot on European democracy
Ulrike Guerot comments on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
Ulrike Guérot's commentary on the Germany's role in Europe