Richard Gowan, ECFR associate fellow, on the difficult situation for the US government at the UN General Assembly in September 2015
Media mentions – Richard Gowan
Richard Gowan explains in a commentary that the EU's role in the UN can be strengthend if France and the UK continue to work closely with Germany following the example of the E3+3 negotiations with Iran
Senior policy fellow Richard Gowen's op-ed on how the Iran nuclear deal will be perceived in the UN
Article by policy fellow Richard Gowan on Europe's failure to seriously acknowledge UN troop deployment
Richard Gowen on what consequences deteriorating relations between Russia and the West might have on the United Nations
Richard Gowan discusses Germany's leading role for the EU's Russia policy
Richard Gowan analyses the prospects of nation-building operations in Libya and Nigeria
Richard Gowan is quoted evaluating Australia's two-year tenure in the UN Security Council
Richard Gowan is quoted evaluating Australia's two-year tenure in the UN Security Council
Richard Gowan on the US ability to direct UN affairs