Mattia Toaldo quoted about the ebbing flow of migrants arriving to Italy from North Africa
Media mentions – Mattia Toaldo
Mattia Toaldo es citado en La Vanguardia sobre la prohibición del Gobierno libio de dejar entrar a las ONGs en sus aguas
Mattia Toaldo's take on how Brexit is seeping into UK public life
Mattia Toaldo is quoted on the Libya peace talks in Paris
Mattia Toaldo quoted on the agreement between Italy and Libya to reduce the number of migrants coming to Europe
Mattia Toaldo on recent developments regarding Libya
Mattia Toaldo quoted in “L'Express” regarding the consequences between Haftar and Sarraj in Paris
Interview of Mattia Toaldo in “France24” regarding the agreement between Haftar and Sarraj when meeting Macron in Paris
Mattia Toaldo publica en El País un comentario sobre la situación en Libia y el papel del militar Jalifa Haftar.
Mattia Toaldo warns that the Franco-Libyan meeting in Paris might make matterrs even worse, as it provides international legitimacy to General Haftar