Mats Engström on Europe failing to meet it’s climate plan
Media mentions – Mats Engström
Mats Engström on the future of batterymaker Northvolt
Interdependence is a defining feature of today’s world. The European Union cannot become green and competitive on its own
Mats Engström on the EU´s green agenda and economic competition
Mats Engström on the green energy transition in Poland
Mats Engström on climate policy and the EU climate emissions target
I would certainly not take the weakening of the Greens as some big non-European climate policy
Mats Engström on climate policy after the European elections
The European industry is very much pushing for CBAM for competitiveness reasons, they feel they should be protected from unfair competition
Mats Engstrom on the outcome of the Europe and China relations after the European elections
There might well be changes in individual pieces of legislation, but what will be important to watch is how this adds up
Mats Engström on the future of EU climate policy
Much of the direction will still be there, but there may be a slowdown when it comes, in particular, to new EP legislation
Mats Engström on EP elections and what it means for climate policy
Mats Engström on a possible alliance between Ursula von der Leyen and Giorgia Meloni