Experts & Staff
Marco de Andreis

Marco de Andreis

ECFR Alumni ·


Marco de Andreis used to work for ECFR as Associate Fellow.

The EU summit: the view from the capitals

How does the EU summit look from Berlin, Madrid, Rome and Warsaw, and what are the expectations? Four of ECFR's experts tell us how they see the gathering of EU leaders and whether anybody should be optimistic about the outcome.  

Reinventing Europe: Italy, a country in receivership

As part of the ‘Reinvention of Europe’ project, ECFR is publishing a series of papers on the national debates within EU member states about the crisis and the future direction of Europe. The third paper in the series examines the situation in Italy.  

Making the case for a ‘federation lite’

The European financial crisis has refocused the debate on the nature of Europe’s political union. Emma Bonino and Marco de Andreis make the case that a ‘lite’ version of federation may provide a viable and practical solution to the euro crisis.   

In the media