Manuel Lafont Rapnouil is interviewed by RFI regarding European elections and eurosceptic parties
Media mentions – Manuel Lafont Rapnouil
Manuel Lafont Rapnouil participated in RFI's Débat du Jour radio show regarding 2019's European elections
Manuel Lafont Rapnouil is quoted by Slate regarding 2019's European elections
Manuel Lafont Rapnouil and ECFR's study on 2019's European elections are quoted by The Guardian.
Manuel Lafont Rapnouil participated in France Culture's radio show Affaires étrangères on the European elections
Manuel Lafont Rapnouil is quoted by RFI regarding NATO's 70th anniversary
Manuel Lafont-Rapnouil is quoted on French president Macron's strategy ahead of May's European Parliament elections.
Manuel Lafont Rapnouil participated in RFI's radio show “Carrefour de l'Europe”, about the relationship between Europe and the United States
Manuel Lafont Rapnouil and Ulrike Esther Franke are quoted by EURACTIV regarding European defence
Manuel Lafont Rapnouil is quoted by Bloomberg regarding Macron's political attitude and the upcoming European elections