No large corporation wants to miss out on India, the market is simply too big
Manisha Reuter comments why India is the new China for many large corporations
No large corporation wants to miss out on India, the market is simply too big
Manisha Reuter comments why India is the new China for many large corporations
(India) rather claims to be another pole in a bigger, multipolar world order – and not in a bipolar one between China and the US
In this interview, Manisha Reuter explains how India perceives herself and the European Union
Manisha Reuter and Frédéric Grare on the tensions in the Indian Ocean
How hard can it be to create a fast track for business travellers?
Manisha Reuter criticizes the slow progress of EU visa liberalisation for Indian business travellers
The crisis could be a moment to recognize India’s legitimate security interests and look at what are its dependencies and needs, and how we can help reduce its dependencies on Russia
Manisha Reuter comments on the promise of greater EU-India cooperation in the aftermath of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, especially in the defense realm
Frédéric Grare and Manisha Reuter’s report on the European vision of the Indo-Pacific is quoted in Le Monde
The China briefing portraits Manisha Reuter
It would be naive to believe that the EU and India will get closer on their own just because external pressure is growing
Many of the barriers that have hampered an effective economic partnership between the EU and India will not simply go away, believes Manisha Reuter
The UK is in desperate need to replace many of the EU’s international trade agreements and look for partners to cooperate on security, climate change and digitalization
Manisha Reuter discusses Britain’s motivation to find new partners in the Indo-Pacific region after Brexit
India should recognise that US-China rivalry means the EU is an economic and political partner it cannot do without
Manisha Reuter believes the EU and India will not automatically draw closer merely because both are disillusioned with China