Julien Barnes-Dacey on the formation of an inclusive government in Syria
Media mentions – Julien Barnes-Dacey
Julien Barnes-Dacey on the EU’s contribution to the formation of an inclusive government in Syria
Julien Barnes-Dacey on the West position towards Syria’s new leaders
Julien Barnes-Dacey on the power transition in Syria
The main challenge is to unify Syria, a country with a rich ethnic and religious diversity that includes Christians, Kurds, Sunnis and Alawites
Julien Barnes-Dacey on the challenges of Syrian transition
European governments should consider what is happening in Syria, a key Mediterranean state, as a central strategic interest
Julien Barnes-Dacey says Europe must get involved in the Syrian transition
International governments have greeted this development with both surprise and uncertainty. There is some concern about what comes next given the profound failure of other transitions
Julien Barnes-Dacey analyses the ongoing situation in Syria
Julien Barnes-Dacey on Russia’s bases in Syria signals shifting priorities
According to Julien Barnes-Dacey, the EU should not be afraid to engage in talks with the Syrian rebels
There are already concerns over what comes next, given the profound failure of recent regional transitions such as in Libya
Julien Barnes-Dacey on European concerns over the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime