Josef Janning

Europe’s Entanglement with Asia Minor

The challenge of Syria could become an opportunity for Germany to define its position in the terms of a well-understood European interest

View from Berlin: Pushing for robustness

Germany prioritises solidarity on refugees – and isn't willing to wait for others to agree

More Union for the EU

Fragmentation and lack of common goals and processes threaten the future of the European Union

Refugees pushing Germany to take the lead again

What stands in the way of a bigger German role in the shaping the European response is the effect of intergovernmentalism and the lack of strong ideas with the power to build a core consensus behind them

Time for great gestures

Through the transformation of Greece, Germany and France can lay the foundation for a new culture of partnership and good governance in Europe

Tsipras’ Pyrrhic victory

Without demonstrating how they can pull off a strategy of gaining debt relief before reforms, Syriza's referendum win could become a Pyrrhic victory