John Fox

Europe needs to stop its pandering to China

Given China’s cancellation on the eve of the summit in December, a summit is all Europe can hope for in terms of engagement with China

Running rings around the E.U.

The authors of ECFR’s latest policy report argue that Europe must adopt a new, strategic China policy in the lead up to the EU-China Summit on 20 May

The EU needs a new China strategy

Based on ECFR’s latest policy report, A Power Audit of EU-China Relations, John Fox and Francois Godement argue that for its own survival, Europe must revamp its China strategy

It’s Tibet, not the economy, stupid

China?s cancellation of the planned bilateral summit with the EU is a brutal and unprecedented warning of how little Europe means to China

China – a challenge for the long term

The basis of a new EU-US partnership should be close trans-Atlantic coordination and cooperation on China at every level, harmonising positions and pooling leverage and influence

Can China save Afghanistan?

With Afghanistan’s reconstruction on the brink, what could the EU and U.S ask Beijing to do?

China Olympics blog

A daily blog following key political stories in China during the Beijing Olympics

The threat of a boycott

European leaders need to follow France and Poland’s example and take a tougher line on China, with real political threats, if the situation in Tibet does not improve



Europe needs to stop its pandering to China

Given China’s cancellation on the eve of the summit in December, a summit is all Europe can hope for in terms of engagement with China

Running rings around the E.U.

The authors of ECFR’s latest policy report argue that Europe must adopt a new, strategic China policy in the lead up to the EU-China Summit on 20 May

The EU needs a new China strategy

Based on ECFR’s latest policy report, A Power Audit of EU-China Relations, John Fox and Francois Godement argue that for its own survival, Europe must revamp its China strategy

It’s Tibet, not the economy, stupid

China?s cancellation of the planned bilateral summit with the EU is a brutal and unprecedented warning of how little Europe means to China

China – a challenge for the long term

The basis of a new EU-US partnership should be close trans-Atlantic coordination and cooperation on China at every level, harmonising positions and pooling leverage and influence

Can China save Afghanistan?

With Afghanistan’s reconstruction on the brink, what could the EU and U.S ask Beijing to do?

China Olympics blog

A daily blog following key political stories in China during the Beijing Olympics

The threat of a boycott

European leaders need to follow France and Poland’s example and take a tougher line on China, with real political threats, if the situation in Tibet does not improve