Experts & Staff
Jean-Marie Guéhenno

Jean-Marie Guéhenno

Director, Kent Program on Conflict Resolution, Columbia SIPA


Jean-Marie Guéhenno is professor of practice and director of Kent Global Leadership Program on Conflict Resolution at Columbia SIPA. He is also a member of the U.N. Secretary General High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation. He is publishing a new book of essays in September 2021 – ‘Le Premier XXIème siècle, de la globalisation à l’émiettement du monde’.

Ghéhenno is former president & CEO of International Crisis Group, and former UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations.

He is member of the ECFR Council.

Three lessons for Europe from the fall of Afghanistan

Europe needs to take a hard look at what worked and what did not work in Afghanistan. Only then can it gradually and realistically build up its own capacities, rather than aim for grandiose schemes that lack public support

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France seems to be one of the few EU member states that still has foreign-policy ambitions, but in order to to become a true leader in Europea, it needs learn to work with others