Experts & Staff

Chris Patten

The Gaza prison

It’s easier to enter a maximum security prison than Gaza. Lord Patten argues that the world – starting with the US administration and the European Union – should tell Israel to take its boot off Gaza’s windpipe

Sri Lanka’s Choice, and the World’s Responsibility

Pity the poor Sri Lankan voter. As presidential elections loom on Jan. 26, the public is faced with a choice between two candidates who openly accuse each other of war crimes

Europe?s road to a new Jerusalem

The EU?s new policy statement on Israel and Palestine is pretty good. Now Europe needs to use it ? and the money poured into Palestine ? as the basis for real change

How Europe can respond to Obama

How will we react when Barack Obama asks us to put our unity, soldiers, money and resolve where our mouths have been?

Peace, or more Euro-squabbling?

The debate over the Lisbon treaty should focus more on what the treaty will mean for the EU’s work abroad

No way to treat a friend

Europe has just as much to lose as Turkey if the doubters prevail in the membership battle


The Gaza prison

It’s easier to enter a maximum security prison than Gaza. Lord Patten argues that the world – starting with the US administration and the European Union – should tell Israel to take its boot off Gaza’s windpipe

Sri Lanka’s Choice, and the World’s Responsibility

Pity the poor Sri Lankan voter. As presidential elections loom on Jan. 26, the public is faced with a choice between two candidates who openly accuse each other of war crimes

Europe?s road to a new Jerusalem

The EU?s new policy statement on Israel and Palestine is pretty good. Now Europe needs to use it ? and the money poured into Palestine ? as the basis for real change

How Europe can respond to Obama

How will we react when Barack Obama asks us to put our unity, soldiers, money and resolve where our mouths have been?

Peace, or more Euro-squabbling?

The debate over the Lisbon treaty should focus more on what the treaty will mean for the EU’s work abroad

No way to treat a friend

Europe has just as much to lose as Turkey if the doubters prevail in the membership battle