Experts & Staff

Anna Arutunyan

Tangled up in lucre

How the Russian authorities are weaponising ‘financial sloppiness’ to crack down on dissidents

Why Putin won’t get tough on Kadyrov

The persecution of gay people in Chechnya may point to a profound weakness in the Kremlin’s power in the republic

How Russia weaponized Eurovision – not

It’s not that pop culture has been weaponised. It’s more that Russia’s geopolitical adventures over the last several years owe at least as much, if not more, to Jerry Springer as they do to Soviet military doctrines

In search of Russia’s elusive repression strategy

Repressions and human rights abuses in Russia, happen for other, myriad reasons besides Kremlin policy and those reasons will still need to be addressed, no matter who sits in Moscow. 


Tangled up in lucre

How the Russian authorities are weaponising ‘financial sloppiness’ to crack down on dissidents

Why Putin won’t get tough on Kadyrov

The persecution of gay people in Chechnya may point to a profound weakness in the Kremlin’s power in the republic

How Russia weaponized Eurovision – not

It’s not that pop culture has been weaponised. It’s more that Russia’s geopolitical adventures over the last several years owe at least as much, if not more, to Jerry Springer as they do to Soviet military doctrines

In search of Russia’s elusive repression strategy

Repressions and human rights abuses in Russia, happen for other, myriad reasons besides Kremlin policy and those reasons will still need to be addressed, no matter who sits in Moscow.