The China dream goes digital: Technology in the age of Xi
Introduction François Godement Developments in the digital and artificial intelligence arenas in China have attracted so much hype abroad that…
ECFR Alumni · Editor, China Analysis
Senior Policy Fellow
China’s history, politics and economics, East and South Asia’s foreign and security policy
German, English, Mandarin
Angela was a Policy Fellow for the Asia and China Programme at ECFR from 2014 to December 2018. She also was an editor of China Analysis from 2017 on. Before joining ECFR, Angela worked for the BMW Foundation and the International Affairs Office of the Koerber Foundation in Berlin. Prior to that, she worked in Brussels for the German Marshall Fund of the United States (Asia Programme) and in Beijing the German Embassy (cultural section) as well as for several event and marketing firms. Alongside China’s history, politics and economics, her research work focuses on East and South Asia’s foreign and security policy.
Angela earned her Ph.D. in Sinology at Freie Universität Berlin, conducting a research about China-Pakistan relations (“The People’s Republic of China as an Actor in Today’s Pakistan – Advantages and Risks of Building a Chinese Power Base in South Asia”).
Introduction François Godement Developments in the digital and artificial intelligence arenas in China have attracted so much hype abroad that…
Podcast de notre Black Coffee Morning du 19 septembre : « L’implication de la Chine en Afghanistan : développement ou endiguement ? » avec Jean-Luc Racine,…
France, Germany, Italy, and the UK are strengthening their economic defences against China. Will more follow?
China’s priorities are shifting towards the containment of security threats in its region, and Europe should capitalise on this trend
Four views from our authors on Chinese and Taiwanese views of the roots of Trump’s strategy and trade policy, and Chinese blind spots
Mark Leonard speaks with Ulrike Franke, Angela Stanzel and André Loesekrug-Pietri, about the international race to develop artificial intelligence. The podcast was recorded on 4…
China has already brought the world “Socialism with Chinese characteristics”. Will its next goal be a “United Nations with Chinese characteristics”?
The meaning of the Chinese “new era” is tied to Xi Jinping. This publication explores how much his increased ideological control is changing China
The Chinese Communist Party Congress in October will indicate whether China has departed from its ‘peaceful rise’ in favour of an ambitious grand strategy
Beijing is trying to create an inclusive narrative around its new Silk Road initiative, but fails to convince the sceptics
Introduction François Godement Developments in the digital and artificial intelligence arenas in China have attracted so much hype abroad that…
China’s priorities are shifting towards the containment of security threats in its region, and Europe should capitalise on this trend
Four views from our authors on Chinese and Taiwanese views of the roots of Trump’s strategy and trade policy, and Chinese blind spots
China has already brought the world “Socialism with Chinese characteristics”. Will its next goal be a “United Nations with Chinese characteristics”?
The meaning of the Chinese “new era” is tied to Xi Jinping. This publication explores how much his increased ideological control is changing China
The Chinese Communist Party Congress in October will indicate whether China has departed from its ‘peaceful rise’ in favour of an ambitious grand strategy
Uneven progress towards “16+1” cooperation frustrates Chinese ambitions
This special issue of China Analysis looks at the first comments published in China in the wake of the Brexit shock
China is enjoying a “think tank Spring” but its policy institutes suffer from a lack of independence due to their reliance on an authoritarian state
Europe shouldn’t be afraid of Russian and Chinese efforts to integrate the Eurasian landmass, but should absorb them into its international order
France, Germany, Italy, and the UK are strengthening their economic defences against China. Will more follow?
Beijing is trying to create an inclusive narrative around its new Silk Road initiative, but fails to convince the sceptics
One year on, Germany's decision to back the AIIB appears to be paying off
There is now broad consensus in the German government that the current level of scrutiny of foreign investments is insufficient
As the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor begins to take shape, the troubled province of Balochistan could become a flashpoint for regional competition.
Africa is big enough for both, but there is a risk that the rivalry between China and India could play out to the detriment of African interests
European policymakers worry about Russian and Chinese integration efforts, which push them to think more strategically about the Eurasian landmass
China’s push to deepen bilateral relations with EU member states may further increase the divisions on China within the EU
Modi is trying to reach out to the Indian Diaspora by using social media – he has his own app since this summer.
The lack of mutual interest between the EU and India is surprising, given the convergence of interests between them – one of them being China
Indians are many, as are their demands, aspirations, and ideas
Podcast de notre Black Coffee Morning du 19 septembre : « L’implication de la Chine en Afghanistan : développement ou endiguement ? » avec Jean-Luc Racine,…
Mark Leonard speaks with Ulrike Franke, Angela Stanzel and André Loesekrug-Pietri, about the international race to develop artificial intelligence. The podcast was recorded on 4…
ECFR’s director Mark Leonard talks with ECFR's research director, Jeremy Shapiro and Asia & China experts Angela Stanzel and François Godement about Trump's Asia policy…
A l’occasion de la sortie de la dernière publication de Mathieu Duchâtel, directeur adjoint du programme Asie de l’ECFR, “La Chine et le terrorisme…
How does Donald Trump's victory and the crises within the European Union affect Japan's view on Europe? Angela Stanzel, Policy Fellow at ECFR's Asia and…
ECFR’s director Mark Leonard speaks with experts Angela Stanzel, Francois Godement and Susi Dennison, about what the British exit from the EU will mean for…
Co-Autorin der neuen Publikation “The European interest in an investment treaty with China”, Angela Stanzel, glaubt, dass die Notwendingkeit nach…
Listen to the authors of “The European interest in an investment treaty with China”, ECFR policy fellow Angela Stanzel and senior policy fellow Francois…