
The coronavirus in Eastern Europe: Avoiding another Chernobyl

Eastern Europe has so far not seen an outbreak of the coronavirus as severe as that in the west of the continent. But the situation…

How the coronavirus threatens a geopolitical Europe

After the crisis, the EU will face the same geopolitical problems it did before. But, this time, it might need to tackle them with less internal solidarity and external credibility.  

Leadership in a time of contagion

Although the covid-19 pandemic has been compared to the 2008 financial crisis, the two episodes are quite different, not least in their cast of leading characters. Unlike the previous generation, today’s European leaders have been shaped by a decade of austerity, refugee crises, and America's denouement as a global hegemon

Serbia’s coronavirus diplomacy unmasked

The Serbian president has exploited the EU’s internal divisions to insult the bloc and legitimise his policies, as well as his courtship of authoritarian partners.