View from the Council

Difficult allies: Denmark, social democrats, and the German election

One should not expect members of Europe’s political families to automatically cheer for one another. Copenhagen may find that implementing its European policy will become more difficult if the Social Democratic Party’s Olaf Scholz becomes German chancellor

European democracy is at stake in the German election

Europe must hope that the next government in Berlin will come to the Franco-German relationship with fresh thinking and clear suggestions for how to deal with the democratic deficits in the heart of the EU, as well as the human rights challenges on the union’s southern flank

Afghanistan: How it could have been different

Nothing was inevitable about the Taliban reconquering of Afghanistan. But in the end the US lost what minimal strategic patience it had

Three lessons for Europe from the fall of Afghanistan

Europe needs to take a hard look at what worked and what did not work in Afghanistan. Only then can it gradually and realistically build up its own capacities, rather than aim for grandiose schemes that lack public support

Four ways Europeans can help refocus NATO

The EU and its member states have a vital role to play in reforming NATO – cooperation rather than competition will be key to making this a success