View from the Council

Three key areas of Europe’s climate diplomacy

The EU’s efforts to address climate change should place more emphasis on bilateral alliances and partnerships. But these efforts will only be credible if they are firmly rooted in domestic policies

Business and religion in the metaverse

The new reality that Facebook and other companies are building brings immense possibilities but also dangers. It is a business with religious overtones

Covid bereavement as a European experience

Liberal politicians in Europe have begun to articulate covid-19 grief in their national political contexts. This is an important step in leading the continent out of the pandemic – and away from populism

Europe’s post-Afghanistan to-do list

The EU’s approach to foreign policy and economic policy needs to account for the fact that, globally, the space between the two areas is increasingly narrow

How G7 leaders can bring the pandemic to an end

Rich countries are hoarding vaccines at the expense of poorer ones – but also to their own detriment. Without extending help to all countries, the whole world will continue to suffer

A new era in Polish-German relations

Germany’s election will bring about a new phase in its relationship with Poland, one that is driven less by the still-vivid legacy of the past and more by pragmatism and interests